March 22, 2012

Me in a Video 'Loss of the Halo' by Ape of Neptune!

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Check it out and tell what you think! I'm very proud to be a part of this video EP by Ape of Neptune, progressive melodic rock band. Loving the first part with their very new song 'Loss of the Halo'.

When they asked me if I would like to take a part in it as this mystery girl I was so nervous (have to admit that I'm not a very good actor ;D ) ! But now I'm so excited - video looks really good and professional. Thank you guys for a great time while filming it! Can't wait for the other two!

Kiss, Hewnly
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March 09, 2012

New Colors and Design

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Last month I started multimedia design and communication studies in Aarhus business academy (Denmark) and I was really busy but happy happy about everything! Even thought not everything in my life is simple and in order, I couldn't live differently - I need some drama! And maybe I'm a bit overexcited about all new things but I really enjoyed the last month.

So today at school I decided to play a bit with blogger's template html and make some changes in my blog. Mostly it's just a cosmetic change (hey, I'm still a beginner at this!). We had some classes about color theory and I really like my new color palette. Still have some doubts if it's not too girlish??? Ah.. Anyway, now I could change it whatever I want since every week my skills at html and everything else will improve (I promise to myself not to skip classes!).

Oh, one of our assignments is to create a web page about recipes so in a very near future it will be a part of all my blogs and other communicating with people places. My concept at the moment - to have a cute little web site with my recipes and pictures of them, all photographed by me, plus some tips and tricks for healthy diet & faster metabolism I found while searching for healthy habits I could adopt until spring so I could be ready for bikini season without too much effort (^.^)

mmm... summer!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Kiss, Hewnly
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